Thursday, March 19, 2015

5 TV Show Characters We All Wish We Were Best Friends With

My life  basically revolves around Netflix.  From 90210 to The Walking Dead, there are a wide variety of excellent shows with woman who we wish we were best friends with.

1. Naomi Clark

Beverly Hills' biggest bitch and most loyal friend is someone you definitely want in your life. She has a shallow personality on the outside but once that shell is cracked, you can be sure she will be there for you regardless of what you've done. 

2. Michonne 

Because lets be honest, if you want to survive the zombie apocalypse, you definitely want her by your side at all times. 

3. Meredith Grey and Cristina Yang

If you want one, you have to have the other. There is no coming in between these two. They are each others person. They could be venting to each other but both talking about two completely different things. What great about these two is that when one of them starts to fall, the other makes sure to pick them right back up. 

4. Brooke Davis 

Brooke Davis is a beautiful, radiant, and sarcastic woman who basically dominates in almost everything she does. She is so driven and with stand up for her friends and family with no hesitation. Team Brooke or you're wrong. 

5. Blair Waldorf

Blair Waldorf is not afraid to tell you if you are wrong. She's an ambitious and independent woman. Although she is known for being a bitch, you still feel inspired to be her and who doesn't love being inspired? 

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